Langkawi weather in February
February Highlights
The tourist high season reaches the peak in February and so does the temperature. This is the warmest month of the year when the day time temperature easily shoots to about 34°C and sometimes even higher. However it comes down to twenties in the evenings. There is virtually no rains in February.
Humidity during the day time remains quite high and can be quite uncomfortable if you stay outdoors for long. This is the month when you can get maximum sunshine of about 9 hours on a day.
The month is also great for all water sports like swimming, snorkeling and diving. You will find plenty of boat tours and outdoor excursions taking place every day. The sea remains calm during this period. However due to heavy tourist rush and demands, rates and prices climb to the peak.
This is the month when the famous Ironman Malaysia Triathlon organized by World Triathlon Corporation was held in the island for 11 consecutive years. Unfortunately, that has been now discontinued.
February is also the month when Chinese New Year is celebrated in Langkawi. There is considerable Chinese population in the island. You will find many restaurants and hotels celebrating the event with colorful decors and exotic dishes.
February Weather Chart
Temperature High:
34°C (93°F)
Temperature Low:
23°C (73°F)
Sea Temperature:
29°C (84°F)
Humidity High:
Humidity Low:
Sunshine (Avg.):
9 Hours
Sunrise Time (Avg.):
Sunset Time (Avg.):
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